citram_api.api.stops package


citram_api.api.stops.stops module

citram_api.api.stops.stops.get_nearest_stops(latitude, longitude, distance, method=2)

Retrieves the stops within a distance given a set of coordinates.


get_nearest_stops(40.453053, -3.688344, 500.0)
  • latitude (float) – Latitude.
  • longitude (float) – Longitude.
  • distance (float) – Distance from the point specified to find stops.
  • method (int) – Method to find stops. Unfortunately we don’t know what method each value represents, so

by default the value of 2 is provided. :return dict: Dictionary with stops within the distance of the location provided. The result looks like this:

    'stops': {
        'Stop': [{
            'codStop': '6_36',
            'shortCodStop': '36',
            'codMode': '6',
            'name': 'Castellana-San Germán',
            'address': 'Pº de la Castellana, 113',
            'postCode': '',
            'codMunicipality': '4350',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.6904863648497,
                'latitude': 40.456610013049
            'lines': {
                'Line': [{
                    'codLine': '6__5___',
                    'shortDescription': '5',
                    'description': '5-SOL/SEVILLA-CHAMARTIN',
                    'codMode': '6',
                    'updateDate': '2017-11-08T12:43:20+01:00',
                    'updateKmlDate': '2017-11-08T12:37:23+01:00',
                    'nightService': 0,
                    'active': True,
                    'shortItinerary': {},
                    'companyCode': ''
                }, {
                    'codLine': '6__27___',
                    'shortDescription': '27',
                    'description': '27-EMBAJADORES-PLAZA CASTILLA',
                    'codMode': '6',
                    'updateDate': '2017-11-08T12:43:20+01:00',
                    'updateKmlDate': '2017-11-08T12:37:23+01:00',
                    'nightService': 0,
                    'active': True,
                    'shortItinerary': {},
                    'companyCode': ''
                }, {
                    'codLine': '6__40___',
                    'shortDescription': '40',
                    'description': '40-TRIBUNAL-ALFONSO XIII',
                    'codMode': '6',
                    'updateDate': '2016-06-02T09:31:47+02:00',
                    'updateKmlDate': '2016-06-01T17:04:00+02:00',
                    'nightService': 0,
                    'active': True,
                    'shortItinerary': {},
                    'companyCode': ''
                }, {
                    'codLine': '6__147___',
                    'shortDescription': '147',
                    'description': '147-CALLAO-BARRIO DEL PILAR',
                    'codMode': '6',
                    'updateDate': '2016-06-02T09:31:47+02:00',
                    'updateKmlDate': '2016-06-01T17:04:00+02:00',
                    'nightService': 0,
                    'active': True,
                    'shortItinerary': {},
                    'companyCode': ''
                }, {
                    'codLine': '6_N_22___',
                    'shortDescription': 'N22',
                    'description': 'N22-CIBELES-BARRIO DEL PILAR',
                    'codMode': '6',
                    'updateDate': '2017-06-27T11:21:02+02:00',
                    'updateKmlDate': '2017-06-27T10:08:00+02:00',
                    'nightService': 1,
                    'active': True,
                    'shortItinerary': {},
                    'companyCode': ''
                }, {
                    'codLine': '6_N_24___',
                    'shortDescription': 'N24',
                    'description': 'N24-CIBELES-LAS TABLAS',
                    'codMode': '6',
                    'updateDate': '2016-06-02T09:31:47+02:00',
                    'updateKmlDate': '2016-06-01T17:04:00+02:00',
                    'nightService': 1,
                    'active': True,
                    'shortItinerary': {},
                    'companyCode': ''
            'access': 2,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 1
        }, {
            'codStop': '6_4828',
            'shortCodStop': '4828',
            'codMode': '6',
            'name': 'Castellana-San Germán',
            'address': 'Pº de la Castellana, 152',
            'postCode': '',
            'codMunicipality': '4350',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.6899180284389,
                'latitude': 40.456032321623
            'lines': {
                'Line': {
                    'codLine': '6__5___',
                    'shortDescription': '5',
                    'description': '5-SOL/SEVILLA-CHAMARTIN',
                    'codMode': '6',
                    'updateDate': '2017-11-08T12:43:20+01:00',
                    'updateKmlDate': '2017-11-08T12:37:23+01:00',
                    'nightService': 0,
                    'active': True,
                    'shortItinerary': {},
                    'companyCode': ''
            'access': 2,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 0
        }, {
            'codStop': '4_192',
            'shortCodStop': '192',
            'codMode': '4',
            'name': 'SANTIAGO BERNABEU',
            'address': 'Paseo de la Castellana 97 ',
            'postCode': '',
            'codMunicipality': '4350',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.69038,
                'latitude': 40.45159
            'lines': {
                'Line': {
                    'codLine': '4__10___',
                    'shortDescription': '10',
                    'description': 'Hospital del Norte-Puerta del Sur',
                    'codMode': '4',
                    'updateDate': '2019-03-22T17:21:37+01:00',
                    'updateKmlDate': '2016-06-01T17:04:00+02:00',
                    'nightService': 0,
                    'active': True,
                    'shortItinerary': {},
                    'companyCode': ''
            'access': 0,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 0

Returns detailed information about the specified stop.

You can create a cod_stop easily by using utils.create_cod_stop.


get_stop_info(create_stop_cod(TransportModes.METRO.value, 276))
Parameters:cod_stop (str) – Stop id. You can create a cod_stop easily by using utils.create_cod_stop.
Return dict:Detailed information about the specified stop. The result looks like this:
    'stops': {
        'Stop': {
            'codStop': '4_276',
            'shortCodStop': '276',
            'codMode': '4',
            'name': 'LAS TABLAS',
            'address': 'Calle de Palas de Rey 48 ',
            'postCode': '28050',
            'codMunicipality': '4350',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.66944,
                'latitude': 40.50833
            'codLines': {
                'Line': ['4__10___', '10__ML1___']
            'access': 2,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 0,
            'stopType': 0
citram_api.api.stops.stops.get_stop_times(cod_stop, stop_type, stop_times_by_iti, order_by=2)

Get the stop times for the stop and line itinerary specified.

You can create a cod_stop easily by using utils.create_cod_stop.

stop = get_stop_info(create_stop_cod(TransportModes.METRO.value, 276))
line = get_line_info(stop['stops']['Stop']['codLines']['Line'][0])['lines']['LineInformation']
  • cod_stop (str) – Stop id. You can create a cod_stop easily by using utils.create_cod_stop.
  • stop_type (str) – Stop type number. Unfortunately, we don’t have information of what type of stop each number

represents, so the easiest thing is to get it from the stop info. :param str stop_times_by_iti: Itinerary name. :param int order_by: Rule to sort results. Optional, 2 by default. Unfortunately, we don’t know what numbers correspond to what order criteria, so the default value is provided by default. :return dict: A dictionary with the times of the itinerary for that stop.

    'stopTimes': {
        'actualDate': '2020-01-02T01:35:27+01:00',
        'stop': {
            'codStop': '4_276',
            'shortCodStop': '276',
            'name': 'LAS TABLAS',
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 0
        'times': {
            'Time': [{
                'line': {
                    'codLine': '4__10___',
                    'shortDescription': '10',
                    'description': '10-Hospital del Norte-Puerta del Sur',
                    'codMode': '4',
                    'updateDate': '2019-03-22T17:21:37+01:00',
                    'updateKmlDate': '2016-06-01T17:04:00+02:00',
                    'nightService': 0,
                    'active': True,
                    'shortItinerary': {},
                    'companyCode': ''
                'direction': 1,
                'destination': 'PUERTA DEL SUR',
                'destinationStop': {
                    'codStop': '4_205',
                    'shortCodStop': '205',
                    'name': 'PUERTA DEL SUR',
                    'park': 0,
                    'nightLinesService': 0
                'time': '2020-01-02T01:48:39+01:00',
                'codVehicle': '',
                'codIssue': ''
            }, {
                'line': {
                    'codLine': '4__10___',
                    'shortDescription': '10',
                    'description': '10-Hospital del Norte-Puerta del Sur',
                    'codMode': '4',
                    'updateDate': '2019-03-22T17:21:37+01:00',
                    'updateKmlDate': '2016-06-01T17:04:00+02:00',
                    'nightService': 0,
                    'active': True,
                    'shortItinerary': {},
                    'companyCode': ''
                'direction': 1,
                'destination': 'PUERTA DEL SUR',
                'destinationStop': {
                    'codStop': '4_205',
                    'shortCodStop': '205',
                    'name': 'PUERTA DEL SUR',
                    'park': 0,
                    'nightLinesService': 0
                'time': '2020-01-02T01:48:39+01:00',
                'codVehicle': '',
                'codIssue': ''
            }, {
                'line': {
                    'codLine': '4__10___',
                    'shortDescription': '10',
                    'description': '10-Hospital del Norte-Puerta del Sur',
                    'codMode': '4',
                    'updateDate': '2019-03-22T17:21:37+01:00',
                    'updateKmlDate': '2016-06-01T17:04:00+02:00',
                    'nightService': 0,
                    'active': True,
                    'shortItinerary': {},
                    'companyCode': ''
                'direction': 1,
                'destination': 'PUERTA DEL SUR',
                'destinationStop': {
                    'codStop': '4_205',
                    'shortCodStop': '205',
                    'name': 'PUERTA DEL SUR',
                    'park': 0,
                    'nightLinesService': 0
                'time': '2020-01-02T01:49:39+01:00',
                'codVehicle': '',
                'codIssue': ''
        'linesStatus': {
            'LineStatus': {
                'line': {
                    'codLine': '4__10___',
                    'shortDescription': '10'
                'SAEStatus': True

It returns the stop specified by a stop id. This method results in a brief description of the stop.

You can create a cod_stop easily by using utils.create_cod_stop.

get_stops_by_cod_stop(create_stop_cod(TransportModes.METRO.value, 276))
Parameters:cod_stop (str) – Stop id. You can create a cod_stop easily by using utils.create_cod_stop.
Return dict:Short description of stop. It looks like this:
    'stops': {
        'Stop': {
            'codStop': '4_276',
            'shortCodStop': '276',
            'codMode': '4',
            'name': 'LAS TABLAS',
            'address': 'Calle de Palas de Rey 48 ',
            'postCode': '28050',
            'codMunicipality': '4350',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.66944,
                'latitude': 40.50833
            'codLines': {
                'Line': ['4__10___', '10__ML1___']
            'access': 2,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 0,
            'stopType': 0

It returns stops based on the custom search string specified.


get_stops_by_custom_search('tres aguas')
Parameters:custom_search (str) – Custom search string.
Return dict:A dictionary of the stops that match your search. The result looks like this:
    'stops': {
        'Stop': [{
            'codStop': '8_08469',
            'shortCodStop': '08469',
            'codMode': '8',
            'address': 'AV.S.MARTÍN VALDEIGLESIAS-C.C.TRES AGUAS',
            'postCode': '28925',
            'codMunicipality': '4279',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.8321874141693,
                'latitude': 40.357341766357
            'codLines': {
                'Line': ['8__510___', '8__510_A__', '8__518___', '8__551___', '8__581___', '8_N_504___', '9__3__007_']
            'access': 2,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 1,
            'stopType': 0
        }, {
            'codStop': '8_09364',
            'shortCodStop': '09364',
            'codMode': '8',
            'name': 'ARGENTINA-C.C.TRES AGUAS',
            'address': 'ARGENTINA-C.C.TRES AGUAS',
            'postCode': '28922',
            'codMunicipality': '4279',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.8295669555664,
                'latitude': 40.355888366699
            'codLines': {
                'Line': ['8__510___', '8__510_A__', '8__518___', '8__551___', '8__581___', '8_N_504___', '9__3__007_']
            'access': 2,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 1,
            'stopType': 0

It returns the stops that belong to the specified municipality.

You can use constants.Municipalities to get the available municipalities ids.


Parameters:cod_municipality (int) – Id of a municipality. Use constants.Municipalities to easily select transport modes ids.
Return dict:Stops that belong to the municipality specified. The result looks like this:
    'stops': {
        'Stop': [{
            'codStop': '4_218',
            'shortCodStop': '218',
            'codMode': '4',
            'name': 'LORANCA',
            'address': 'Calle de la Alegría SN ',
            'postCode': '28942',
            'codMunicipality': '4330',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.83768,
                'latitude': 40.29681
            'codLines': {
                'Line': '4__12___'
            'access': 2,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 0,
            'stopType': 0
        }, {
            'codStop': '4_219',
            'shortCodStop': '219',
            'codMode': '4',
            'name': 'HOSPITAL DE FUENLABRADA',
            'address': 'Cmno del Molino SN ',
            'postCode': '28942',
            'codMunicipality': '4330',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.81642,
                'latitude': 40.28576
            'codLines': {
                'Line': '4__12___'
            'access': 2,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 0,
            'stopType': 0

It returns the stops that belong to a zip code.


Parameters:postcode (int) – Zip code from where the stops are going to be retrieved.
Return dict:Stops that belong to the zip code specified. The result looks like this:
    'stops': {
        'Stop': [{
            'codStop': '4_211',
            'shortCodStop': '211',
            'codMode': '4',
            'name': 'ALCORCON CENTRAL',
            'address': 'Avda de Móstoles 12 ',
            'postCode': '28922',
            'codMunicipality': '4279',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.83178,
                'latitude': 40.35008
            'codLines': {
                'Line': ['4__12___', '5__C5___']
            'access': 2,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 0,
            'stopType': 0
        }, {
            'codStop': '4_212',
            'shortCodStop': '212',
            'codMode': '4',
            'name': 'PARQUE OESTE',
            'address': 'Calle de Estambul 5 ',
            'postCode': '28922',
            'codMunicipality': '4279',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.84934,
                'latitude': 40.34589
            'codLines': {
                'Line': '4__12___'
            'access': 2,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 0,
            'stopType': 0
        }, {
            'codStop': '5_5',
            'shortCodStop': '5',
            'codMode': '5',
            'name': 'ALCORCON',
            'address': 'ALCORCON',
            'postCode': '28922',
            'codMunicipality': '4279',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.8316340093152,
                'latitude': 40.35008820867
            'codLines': {
                'Line': ['4__12___', '5__C5___']
            'access': 1,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 0,
            'stopType': 0
        }, {
            'codStop': '5_66',
            'shortCodStop': '66',
            'codMode': '5',
            'name': 'RETAMAS, LAS',
            'address': 'RETAMAS, LAS',
            'postCode': '28922',
            'codMunicipality': '4279',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.8423299815775,
                'latitude': 40.341902701431
            'codLines': {
                'Line': '5__C5___'
            'access': 1,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 0,
            'stopType': 0
        }, {
            'codStop': '8_08434',
            'shortCodStop': '08434',
            'codMode': '8',
            'name': 'AV.MÓSTOLES-VIVERO',
            'address': 'AV.MÓSTOLES-VIVERO',
            'postCode': '28922',
            'codMunicipality': '4279',
            'coordinates': {
                'longitude': -3.8468658924103,
                'latitude': 40.337970733643
            'codLines': {
                'Line': ['8__520___', '8_N_501___']
            'access': 2,
            'park': 0,
            'nightLinesService': 1,
            'stopType': 0

Module contents